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Weekly Lunar Horoscope

LUNAR ARIES - This week is a perfect time to take advantage of opportunities in your business or work life, Lunar Aries. Any ideas you have been wanting to pursue should be seriously considered.

LUNAR TAURUS - This week, Lunar Taurus, the financial challenges you have been experiencing as of late come to a head and you are forced to address this. A New Moon rises in your sign.

LUNAR GEMINI - This week, Lunar Gemini, something you have been working on for a while now will have to be put aside and you will be frustrated and annoyed.

LUNAR CANCER - You may feel quite restless this week, Lunar Cancer, but do not fight this or worry where it will take you through the week. This pent up energy will come out in creativity if you find the outlet.

LUNAR LEO - This week you will gain a better understanding of balance and how to achieve and maintain it, Lunar Leo. Try to keep this balance at the forefront of your mind.

LUNAR VIRGO - Your instincts are sharp this week, Lunar Virgo. You have keen, animal-like senses to avoid pitfalls and also take advantage of opportunities.

LUNAR LIBRA - This week, Lunar Libra, you have the opportunity to show someone special in your life what they mean to you. This could be a dear friend, romantic partner, or family member.

LUNAR SCORPIO - This week, Lunar Scorpio, your natural diplomatic abilities will be required. When you see something happening around you know that you can do something to help.

LUNAR SAGITTARIUS - You have high energy this week, Lunar Sagittarius, which could allow you to get a lot done, but be careful that you have somewhere positive to direct this energy at all times.

LUNAR CAPRICORN - This week there are quite a few opportunities opening up for you, Lunar Capricorn. Luck is entering your house in ways that may surprise you.

LUNAR AQUARIUS - This week is the time to attend to your debts and responsibilities, Lunar Aquarius. Your debts can be present in any area of your life, but spiritual and personal debts are most important.

LUNAR PISCES - Stay away from negative people this week, Lunar Pisces, as they are only going to bring you down and that's the last thing you need right now.

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