Tip of the day:

Tv Streaming

Tv streaming is great but when you overdo it, it can lead to the kinds of feeling represented by the Four of Cups. In moderation, Tv streaming, live streaming, or movie streaming services can offer a welcome escape from the stresses of life. The best live streams keep us alert and engaged but also relaxed and at ease.

Streaming services are easy to find. Netflix, Hulu, Disney plus, and HBO Max are great examples of some of the best online streaming platforms. You can even start up a live stream of your own on YouTube and other websites.

Your Daily Reading:

Four of Cups

This card represents disappointment and dissatisfaction. What you thought was great at the time when your emotions were fresh is no longer sufficient. You've discovered faults in it and are irritated by what it lacks. You might be stewing in your emotions, grumbling and complaining, and wasting your time. You need to act, but you're not quite ready.

Apathy is the most pernicious of all evils. If you let it have its way with you, you could drown in self-pity and not even know it. This card serves as a powerful reminder that you must break free from your present cycles and that it is time to re-evaluate your situation. Make new objectives, get rid of your discontent, and then look for new ways to get there. Now is the moment to take chances, since the cost of failure is much less than the cost of giving up on the success.

On this card, a man rests against a tree with his arms crossed and his gaze fixed on three cups in front of him. He's looking at these three cups with a serious expression on his face. A hand sticking out from a cloud in front of him, however, is clutching a cup. The young guy, however, is oblivious to the cup being handed to him since he is fixated on the three on the ground. The guy is completely oblivious to the cloud's gift or giving.

We've all seen kids do this - fold their arms, close their eyes, turn their heads away, and humph. The conduct is sometimes necessary - the kid is rejecting something harmful or undesirable. Other times, this is referred to as a "hissy fit," in which a kid does not receive precisely what they want or is forced to do something for someone else and will not tolerate it. The Four of Cups has the potential for this mindset.

Introspection may be both beneficial and harmful. On the one hand, we get a better knowledge of ourselves as well as the world and our position in it. Everyone needs time to reflect and those who deny themselves this opportunity are losing out. However, it is conceivable to turn inward at the incorrect moment. We often retreat inside to protect ourselves; this strategy stops us from caring too much about what is happening outside of ourselves, thereby shielding us from any possible loss or anxiety.

Don't Let Life Pass You By!

There are times when our introspection becomes self-absorbed, and we get so preoccupied with our wants that we lose sight of others' needs. Examine your attitude toward the world around you, and see whether you're losing out on anything (the cup carried by the cloud) as a result of your self-centered introspection.

Outright refusal is another interpretation of this card. It could be that he can see the cup and his arms are crossed in refusal to accept it. He may be rejecting the cup out of spite or wrath, or he may be denying the cup because it isn't what he needs right now. Assess what you're deliberately refusing entrance into your life in your readings... and if you should alter your attitude about embracing it.

When you draw this card, ask yourself the following questions: In your life, what are you deliberately denying? Why are you objecting to it? Is it something you should not have in your life, or are you rejecting it out of fear? How do you feel about trying new things? Is your self-reflection beneficial or harmful?

What Four of Cups Means for You Today

The Four of Cups has appeared today to remind you that it is important to calm your emotions or you could miss out on new opportunities. The meaning of this card can be double-sided because it is both a warning of what can happen when you stay stuck in negative emotions, but from another angle is shows a man content and meditating under a tree like a buddha. When viewed from the positive perspective it is a message about how new things come to us when we are in a positive state of being, but we miss out on these things when stuck in a negative perspective.

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