Tip of the day:


If you want to avoid the lonely feeling of the Three of Swords, try investing in a timeshare with others so you can get away and relax. With a timeshare, you can enjoy the benefits of a vacation property at a fraction of the cost.

There are plenty of timeshare clubs that offer the feeling of ownership of a great vacation home without the hassle of managing all the different aspects of owning a property. Check out some timeshare options through Hilton, Marriot, or other vacation clubs today!

Your Daily Reading:

Three of Swords

The meaning of the Three of Swords is immediately apparent by its imagery. Something hurtful has been said or done, maybe a secret has been revealed. This is a card of pain and fear about the future.

You may have a hunch that something is awry but aren't sure what it is. Perhaps a close friend or family has been avoiding you for reasons you don't understand. Something is wrong, but no one is willing to tell what it is. Someone seems to be attempting to hide something from you everywhere you go.

How does it feel to have your heart shattered? The physical, mental, and emotional feelings associated with betraying trust and shattering hearts have been portrayed by many poets and thinkers. The sensation of being stabbed in the heart has been described in many ways. In its art, The Three of Swords carries this lyrical depiction to its logical conclusion.

The Three of Swords is a straightforward card... almost brutal in its simplicity. In the foreground, there's a big red heart - not the kind you'd expect to see coming from a person's breast, but the kind you'd see on Valentine's Day or as a decoration. Three huge swords pierce the heart, cruelly impaling it. The swords cut straight through the heart and jut out on the other side. We can see huge, menacing storm clouds behind this landscape.

The Three of Swords is a card that symbolizes all types of emotional anguish, as well as those moments in our life when we are slashed to the core. It's a straightforward card since the emotion is straightforward - pain isn't difficult to comprehend. We've all experienced heartbreak in some form or another, from the youngest to the oldest. This card may indicate that you have already experienced, are experiencing, or will experience these harrowing feelings.

This Too Shall Pass

Being let down is one of the most heartbreaking emotions a person can have. When you're high as a kite, eager, maybe trusting, energetic, and ready to go, learning that things aren't as they seem may feel like your heart has been dumped over a cliff. You've been let down by life. Anything in our life may let us down, whether it's a friend, a partner, a group, or an event. This card may indicate that you are currently experiencing or will soon experience this discomfort.

Finally, getting stabbed in the back may be represented by this card. Betrayed trust is as shocking as it is demoralizing; those who stab us in the back are people we trust, and no one likes having the rug ripped out from under them. Examine if you believe you've lately been deceived and what you can do to get over the pain.

When you encounter this card, ask yourself the following questions. What is causing your heart to ache? Is there anything that can be done about it? Is there someone close to you who is going through a heartbreak if you aren't? What can you learn from your own heartache and other people's heartaches? Is there a silver lining to this cloud?

What Three of Swords Means for You Today

The Three of Swords has appeared today to warn you that you could be engaging in something that could lead to heartache. This is not always a guarantee that problems will arise because you can always change your mentality and shift into a new vibration. This is more a reminder to check your perspective and make sure you are not creating negative emotions through over-thinking about a situation. It is ok to feel your emotions but be careful not to stay stuck in negativity if something doesn't go the way you were hoping today.

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