Tip of the day:


The Six of Swords can indicate the need for patience, like when you are eager to buy or sell stocks but the time isn't quite right. Stocks go up and down in ways that can seem random. If it were easy to predict the stock market, we would see a lot more millionaires in the world today.

Investing in stocks at the company you work for can be a great way to increase your finances over time. Check out the Nasdaq or wall street journal for the latest stock market news. Stocks aren't going to buy themselves, so now is as good a time as any to get involved in the stock market.

Your Daily Reading:

Six of Swords

A ferryman with passengers on his boat is shown on the card. It implies that you can move away from your problems. A change of scenery may be all that is required to restore harmony. You may need the assistance of someone who can guide you on the correct path while giving you enough time away from your problems to think more clearly.

The Six of Swords is a card that represents travel and change. Your mental concentration may help you leave your present problems behind and move forward to a brighter future. It is critical to approach your issues from a mental perspective, thinking things through. It may be beneficial to seek advice since you still have difficulty ahead of you, but the worst is past.

The Six of Swords sings its own version of a blues song, symbolizing both the cause of the sorrow and its resolution. The Blues is one of the few musical genres that aims to not only sing about the subject matter but also to portray the music in such a manner that it mimics the feelings that are sung about. Blues songs are sweeping, sluggish, and sad, yet they also have a therapeutic effect on people who are suffering from "the blues." Listening to a piece of blues music is almost therapeutic in that it reintroduces that melancholy sensation, allowing you to expel the poison you may have previously covered up or disregarded.

We have a large body of water in the Six of Swords, similar to a large lake, with blue-colored plains on the other side. A boat with three people is docked in front of us: one hooded adult, one small kid, and a man pushing the boat through the water with a stick. Six swords are propped up inside the boat, apparently, the only things this group of people still has. Is it true that they are a family? Are they a collection of survivors brought together by chance? No one knows. We only know that they have one aim in common: to get to the other side.

This card often depicts sadness and despair, but the mood is usually temporary rather than long-lasting. This card represents those times in our life when we are confronted with a tough situation that we must overcome. That journey, on the other hand, will not be easy; it is during this transit that we will begin to experience depressed emotions. You may be experiencing these sensations now or soon — a loved one may be experiencing these feelings as well, and you are seeing it.

Keep Your Eye On The Prize

This card may also represent the process of getting over a period of sorrow. Because you must travel through the "Valley of the Shadows" to get to the other side of your sorrow, just going through it, shouldering the load, and coping with all the despair that comes with it, indicates that you are on your way to healing and recovery.

Finally, this card may indicate that you (or whoever is impacted by your sadness) are trying to move ahead. You're attempting to shift your gaze away from the past and toward the future. When you glance at the people on the boat, you'll see that none of them are gazing back - just ahead. They concentrate on the future and conserve their energy for the effort required to reach the blue lands beyond the sea – and this card encourages you to do the same.

When you draw this card, consider the following questions. Do you suffer from depression, whether it's short-term or long-term? Can you put the events that led to your suffering behind you? Is it possible to just live in the now and strive toward the future, rather than having your thoughts wandering back in time? Are you aware that "this, too, shall pass"? How can you assist yourself in putting your sorrow to rest right now?

What Six of Swords Means for You Today

The Six of Swords has appeared today to encourage you to keep going and don't give up. Whatever is going on in your life now is going to require patience if you are going to make it out of troubled waters and to the shore on the horizon. There is a sense of urgency mixed with tiredness and discouragement in the card. You may feel like giving up on something, but you have already come so far so you have decided to keep going. This card is telling you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel as long as you keep doing your best. This journey is long but it won't last forever!

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