Tip of the day:

Real Estate

The Seven of Cups can be confusing because, just like with real estate, it can be hard to know if you are making the right choice. There are so many things to consider when buying a home. How do you know which property is right for you? Realtors sometimes have their own agenda so doing your research is important.

Checking the local listings, speaking with real estate agents, and doing walk-throughs can take time. You can save time using online real estate websites like Zillow where you can find plenty of listings for homes for sale that are within your price range.

Your Daily Reading:

Seven of Cups

Seven cups float on a cloud, each with a distinct symbol rising from it, as seen by a man. One has a woman's head, another a clothed person, one has a snake, another a castle, the next a pile of diamonds and other riches, the next a green wreath, and the last one seems to be holding a tiny dragon. These icons reflect the various types of dreams you've had. You have many choices, several paths to emotional pleasure through pursuing your goals. Your present dreams, on the other hand, could be lacking in content.

You must determine where your emotions should be directed and which dream is your heart's desire. The many choices in front of you will compel you to make a choice. Imagining what might have been if you had taken a different route will only make things more difficult.

This card is very much about your inner self, your hopes, and your goals. It's attempting to communicate with you about your unconscious mind or the worlds of your imagination. The Seven of Cups is interested in your goals, desires, and unfulfilled ambitions. It indicates profound perplexity, living in a dream, or a lack of awareness of your conscious mind's real motives. It's time to analyze your motives, reevaluate your objectives, and make decisions. Avoid wishful thinking and make no hasty decisions, since this is a dangerous moment to act on your findings.

When In Doubt, Do Nothing Until You Are Sure

When offered an option, different individuals respond in various ways. Some people rush into a choice without giving all of the alternatives much consideration. Some people sit and think about their choices for much too long, and if they had the opportunity, they would do so forever. Some people choose the middle path. Whether you like making decisions or find them difficult, everyone faces them at some point in their lives. The nature of the Seven of Cups is this.

Choices are difficult because we are supposed to reject one choice in favor of another. What if we make the "wrong" decision? What if the road we're on today isn't one we want to take? What if the alternative option was preferable? We're often tormented with remorse or, at the very least, ruminating about what could have been. This card represents a moment when you are confronted with a world of options... and you must pick just a handful, if not just one.

Another potential interpretation of the Seven of Cups is overindulgence. After all, couldn't the man own ALL of the cups on the card? Or, at the very least, he THINKS he can experience all of these cups... and he's getting a bit carried away with the possibilities. If he becomes engrossed in the gifts (or curses) of the drinks, he may be unable to return to his regular life. On the other side, you may enjoy a lot of adventures without going overboard! When you encounter this card, consider your recent decisions to determine whether you've been merely enjoying or if you've gone overboard.

There's also the possibility that none of the cups belong to the man on this card. He might just be gazing at them, hoping he could share in their delights. The grass is always greener on the other side - we spend so much of our lives hoping we could be someone else that we forget to enjoy our actual lives. This card may indicate that you've been preoccupied with fantasizing about what you could have rather than appreciating what you now have. You may also be evaluating your possible choices and attempting to set life objectives. Each of these components has both good and bad characteristics.

Ask yourself these questions when you see the Seven of Cups. What do you do when you're faced with a decision? Do you get caught up in possibilities rather than seeing what's there in front of you? Do you overindulge or indulge? Can you strike a balance between your long-term objectives and your present circumstances?

What Seven of Cups Means for You Today

The Seven of Cups has appeared today to show you that you don't have enough information yet to make the right decision. If you are debating about what choice to make, it may be best to wait if possible. In some cases, you just have to take a leap of faith and trust your intuition, but if you can wait, there is likely another option that has yet to reveal itself to you. This is not the time to blindly chase after your desires. The universe is working behind the scenes to present you with the best path forward, you just can't see it yet.

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