Tip of the day:

Prepaid Cards

The Two of Pentacles can show a need to protect your money with a pre-paid card. Not everyone wants to deal with the fees and hassles that can come along with debit cards and credit cards from banks. Pre-paid cards allow you to know your cash is safe and the banks can't take out unexpected fees.

A prepaid debit card comes with an account number that you can use to sign up for direct deposit. Paypal, Chase, Mastercard, and Visa, all offer different options for reloadable prepaid cards. Get one today!

Your Daily Reading:

Two of Pentacles

The picture depicts a man standing by the water, skillfully juggling two pentacles, which symbolizes the juggling of many life circumstances. It's all about making decisions and setting priorities. You may feel as though you lack the courage to select one option over another. You may choose to concentrate on one item while ignoring another for a while, keeping both alive. This, however, prevents either from thriving.

The Two is entwined in the forces of change and balance, as they always are. The Two of Pentacles may signify something good or bad, but it is a strong indication that the status quo will be upset. There will be difficulties in your future but the ultimate result will be mainly determined by how you react to these challenges. This card's suit indicates that the ideal result may be achieved via prioritizing, time management, multitasking, and careful preparation.

A juggler is shown on the Two of Pentacles, frantically attempting to keep his two coins in motion. The man is dressed in a red circus-style costume, with a big red hat on his head (which more than likely makes it even harder to juggle). The man's expression conveys his concern that he will drop one at any minute. So, what happens next? A turbulent ocean can be seen in the distance, with two ships trapped in the ups and downs of the waves.

Not everyone has seen a juggler's performance. Juggling is a great sight to see, and even more so to participate in. To catch whatever you're tossing while you juggle, your muscles must respond almost automatically. You develop such confidence in your body that you can catch a ball or a pin with only a look in its direction and toss it up again with ease. It's almost as if your body is operating independently, pursuing a purpose you're not fully aware of.

This is the card of maintaining equilibrium. Jugglers must maintain their money in the air at all times, never fumbling. What happens if he doesn't comply? Who is to say? It's all he knows that it's necessary for his survival. Perhaps some great monarch is paying his salary so that he can juggle effectively, or perhaps he is just practicing and needs to keep juggling for his own mental well-being. Whatever the cause, the two of pentacles wants you to maintain balance in some aspect of your life, never putting one item ahead of the other.

Balance is the Key!

The Two of Pentacles may also be indicating that you should go with the flow. A juggler can't question his motions since his muscles will freeze and the coins will fall if he does. All he needs to do now is go in the direction he's been directed. Even if the coin travels in an unexpected direction, he must still leap to grab it! Be flexible and move with the flow in your life.

Finally, this card may indicate that you've been feeling like you've been bending over backward for people lately. You feel like you're juggling all of your responsibilities, attempting to prevent them from collapsing because you're overwhelmed by how much you have to complete. The only way to lighten your burden is to drop one or two of the coins you're juggling - in other words, give up one or two of the duties you're now juggling. You'll find it easier when you have fewer things to manage.

Here are some questions to consider while studying the Two of Pentacles. What is the state of your life's flow? Do you feel overburdened by your to-do list? Isn't everything going as planned? How hard do you find it to go with the flow? Or are you attempting to get availability and flexibility that you do not already possess? How do you get the same level of balance as the juggler?

What Two of Pentacles Means for You Today

The Two of Pentacles has appeared today to recommend that you would do well to save your money. If you are thinking of making and big purchases that you are uncertain about, it might be best to wait until you feel certain you are making the right choice. It can signify that there is a new option coming to you that has not yet had time to arrive. The two boats in the background of the card are heading toward each other but there are still turbulent waters between them. Wait until they come together so you can switch directions without having to brave the unruly waters.

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