Tip of the day:

Online Pharmacy

The King of Cups is the Master of his emotions because he has access to the medications he needs by using an online pharmacy. Canadian online pharmacies allow you to order the medications you need as long as you have a prescription. Many Americans use Canadian online pharmacies because they tend to be more affordable.

If you have expensive pharmaceutical needs, try ordering your prescriptions through an online pharmacy. If you don't want to use a Canadian pharmacy, just do an online search for the best pharmacy near you.

Your Daily Reading:

King of Cups

The King of Cups is adamant about starting a family and having children. He aspires to be a better parent, spouse, and, most importantly, an emotionally mature person. He aspires to be a kind, compassionate, and loving person. His family is his empire, and his ambition is to rule over and care for all of his children and grandkids. He enjoys taking care of his children, teaching them new skills, and reading them bedtime tales.

His family will always come first. He works and makes sacrifices for them, and he will stand up to anybody who threatens them with violence. The King of Cups may also be emotional at times.

The King of Cups is the pinnacle of emotional equilibrium and generosity, with a global and serene projection of power. Finding him in your spread is almost certainly a referral to someone else who can help you achieve your objectives by providing sound advice. Although this individual seems indifferent, even distant, their motives are genuine. Whatever advice they offer you will be valuable to you and should be taken into account when making your own decisions. If it does relate to you personally, it demonstrates a sense of responsibility and inner strength, as well as emotional discipline.

The King of Cups sits amid the ocean on his stone throne, with a fish nearly kneeling in respect on one side and a sailing ship on the other, a testimony to how far out to sea the king is. The monarch is richly attired, wearing a crimson and gold mantle over his blue robe and sandals that resemble fish scales. A magnificent crown sits upon his head, and a fish pendant hangs around his neck. A small scepter in the king's left hand, displaying his regal character, and a cup in the other hand - these two things seem to be of equal significance to him.

The King of Cups is the ideal blend of the Cups suite's emotional intensity with the authority and attitude of a king. His main goal in life is to maintain peace and prosperity, which includes maintaining peace in and around people he loves and cares about. When you're too embarrassed to voice your sorrow, the King is the kind of person who will sit you down and ask you what's wrong.

The King of Cups welcomes everyone, friend and stranger, to his house. He is often a teacher or at least pretends to be one in his interactions with others. He will always assist individuals in identifying what they are experiencing and determining how to address their bad feelings.

Circumstances Dont Matter, Only State of Being Matters

Emotion knowledge is a unique trait that may be difficult to come by. Wisdom differs from intellect in that intelligence is acquired via outside sources, while wisdom is acquired through personal experience and empathy. This knowledge complements the King's other qualities, which he may be encouraging you to seek. He is in command of his emotions, striking the ideal balance between being honest and over-expressing himself. He can remain impartial in debates and bring peace to all parties involved. He is calm and compassionate, and his internal balance prevents him from being angry or depressed.

Try asking yourself these questions when you see the King of Cups. Is there someone in your life that acts in the same way as the King of Cups? What can you take away from that individual? Can you strive to bring peace to circumstances that are emotionally charged? What can you do to improve your emotional intelligence? How comfortable are you with your own feelings?

What King of Cups Means for You Today

The King of Cups has appeared today to remind you that you are the master of your emotions, even if it may not always feel like it. No situation or circumstance has the power to make you feel any certain way. We have been taught to give our power away to circumstances and we tend to believe that we can only feel good when something good happens. This creates a dangerous loop because it is our emotional state that manifests our circumstances, not the other way around. The King knows his true power and has mastered his emotions and therefore mastered his reality.

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