Tip of the day:

Medical Needs

The Five of Pentacles can represent physical struggles like medical needs that are not being met. If you have health care needs then you know how it can feel to not have those needs met. A health care needs assessment can be done at many medical facilities in your area.

If you have special healthcare needs you can find a community of people with similar needs and they can help point you in the right direction. Talk with a healthcare professional to find out how to get you or your children the medical supplies you need.

Your Daily Reading:

Five of Pentacles

Two impoverished individuals trudging through the snow outside a church are shown on this card. It's a period of misfortune, a relapse in health, or just poor luck.

The individuals portrayed on the card are embarrassed by their poverty, yet their pride prevents them from asking for assistance. The conflict here is between ego and humility. Rethinking your principles is the only way to live without sacrificing your pride.

Depending on the remainder of your spread, the Five of Pentacles may be about money, work, or relationships. Unfortunately, it is a bad sign for all of them, implying financial loss, anxiety, job loss, isolation, and the potential for adultery. Humility is a major topic. This is a good time to think about what matters most in your life and figure out your priorities, such as if your career or your relationship is more important. It's possible that to minimize the damage in some aspects of your life, you'll have to let go of others.

It's the dead of winter in the middle of the night on this card. We notice a huge stained-glass window, the kind that might be seen in a church. Five pentacles are shown on the window, with foliage and flowers intertwined around them. Two unfortunate people live below this window, out in the freezing night air. The person on the left is using crutches because he has a problem with his leg or foot.

The woman on his right seems to be poor, her tattered clothes barely keeping her warm. With a pained face, the man glances up to the window. Perhaps he's pleading with God for mercy. Perhaps he's daydreaming about how warm and inviting the interior of the building is. However, these two people have no luck — they seem to be determined on finding a warm spot out of the snow and proceed at a rapid pace.

This card indicates a lack of physical security, safety, and/or comfort. As humans, we all go through times in our life when we don't have the resources we need to feel comfortable. We become ill, get hurt, run out of money, lose our jobs, vehicles, and sometimes even our homes. We want to think that it won't happen to us - that we've planned ahead of time, that we're too smart, or at least astute, to slip into such a position. That's what we say... until we get there. This card indicates that you or someone close to you has found yourself in this situation. The Five of Pentacles may indicate that you are having a difficult time, particularly physically.

Crisis' Precipitate Change and Prevent Stagnation

This card may also represent a lack of physical ability to do anything. For example, suppose you're ill and don't have medical insurance or the financial means to travel to the hospital. It may also imply that you are unable to physically go to a location that you need - for example, your girlfriend has relocated to the other side of the state, but you lack the financial means and car to see her. This might even relate to the age-old cycle of not having a vehicle, which prevents you from attending job interviews, which prevents you from getting a job, which prevents you from getting a car, and so on.

When you encounter this card in your readings, here are some questions to ask yourself. What physical challenge are you currently dealing with? Does it have anything to do with your financial situation? What is the state of your health? What's going on in your environment? What can you do to enhance your attitude regarding your physical condition if you can't alter it? How can you be content amid adversity?

What Five of Pentacles Means for You Today

The Five of Pentacles has shown up today to warn of a period of difficulty and struggle which it may be too late to avoid. This may be due to poor choices or it could be that situations that are out of your control have aligned in such a way to create hardship and challenges to be faced. This card usually speaks to financial difficulties, the degree of which may vary from person to person. These times do not last forever unless you get caught up in a cycle of escapism like spending all of your remaining funds on drugs or alcohol to numb the pain of your situation. Whatever you are facing, face it with calm acceptance and things will turn around faster than you think.

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