Tip of the day:

Medical Bills

Health insurance can help to make sure you are covered if you experience a Ten of Swords kind of moment. You never know when you might get sick or injured and health insurance can help you cover those costly medical bills.

Health insurance plans can vary widely as far as what kind of coverage they can provide. Affordable healthcare coverage is not hard to find, just contact a company like Blue Cross and find an insurance plan for you and your family.

Your Daily Reading:

Ten of Swords

A dead man with 10 swords impaled in his back is shown in this picture. It does not imply that you are in immediate danger or should be alarmed. Rather, that a situation has concluded. It is too late to alter this circumstance, no matter what goals you have, and you must move on. Worrying is useless since you can't alter anything.

There may be someone in your immediate vicinity that you can't trust, thus the picture of being stabbed in the back. You may be harmed by the acts, attitudes, and words of people around you.

The Ten of Swords is one of the few cards that may symbolize failure and catastrophe, but it is the only one that cannot be avoided. It foreshadows not just a total failure or betrayal, but an inevitable one. Furthermore, the crisis will not be quickly solved - and this is not a fate that can be altered or avoided, but only endured: if you remain strong, you may create a new dream from this ending.

We have a level plain with a faraway mountain - the sun is sinking over the mountain, just a glimmer on the horizon on the Ten of Swords. A man lies face down on the ground in front of us, his cloak (or is it blood?) all around him. There are 10 swords in the man's back. Each one is firmly buried in his back, leaving a severe wound. The man's chances of survival are little to none.

This card may indicate genuine suffering. There are so numerous ways for us to reach rock bottom that it's difficult to name them all. We break our leg, a family member gets hospitalized, we lose our job... there are so many ways for us to hit rock bottom that it's impossible to list them all. It's worth noting that there are 10 swords rather than one; this may indicate that your difficulties and tribulations have been heaped on top of one another.

Down For The Count

This card may also represent the sensation of sinking to your lowest point. Welcome to the bottom - you are the populace. You may believe that this is the lowest moment in your life. Thankfully, there is one universal fact in this world: you can only move up from the bottom. Look for ways to reclaim control of your life.

There are moments in our life when we are so overcome by our problems that we tell everyone within hearing how terrible things are and how much we are suffering. It's natural to want compassion, understanding, and comfort from people you care about... but keep in mind that they, too, have their own concerns and pains and if you babble on about yours, you should allow them time to ramble on about theirs.

Here are some questions to ask yourself if you want to better comprehend the Ten of Swords. Do you ever feel as though you've hit rock bottom? Why? What route did you use to get there? What are your options for getting back on your feet? Do you think you're suffering from a lot of self-pity? Don't beat yourself up over it; just recognize it if it exists. That stage is sometimes required to proceed to the next - genuine healing.

What Ten of Swords Means for You Today

The Ten of Swords has appeared today to indicate that a major shift in your thinking will be necessary today. Unfortunately, we tend to resist changing our perspective until we encounter something painful. Rather than seeing this as a random event or a sign of the cruelty of the universe, try to see this painful experience as a chance to gain a greater understanding of the inner workings of your mind. There is little that can be done to fix the situation at hand, so your options are to stay stuck in negativity, or dig deeper into the present and transcend the habit of negative thinking.

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