Tip of the day:

Mail Delivery

The Man in the Ten of Wands is trying to manage too many things at once and worrying about mail delivery is just one more thing to worry about. The postal service can be slow and sometimes things get lost.

If you are tired of waiting for your mail, try using priority mail or first class mail delivery. One day we will just be able to email files and then 3d print everything we need at home, but until then the USPS mail delivery system will have to suffice.

Your Daily Reading:

Ten of Wands

The picture shows a man holding 10 large wands and he is bent by their weight, trying to keep them together. Although he has full control over the many things he needs to manage, he also bears the burden of duty.

Society tends to glorify hard work, there is even a new sub-culture of people who refer to their way of life as "hustle culture". There is a fine line between pursuing your dreams and toxic productivity. This card is a sign that you may be taking on too much.

Keep an eye out for over-commitment if the Ten of Wands emerges in your spread. You're probably working too hard or shouldering more responsibilities than you should. Be cautious since too much hard effort may lead to stress. It may refer to both excessive workloads in pursuit of your objectives and excessive workloads as a consequence of achieving them.

Frustration is one of the other possible interpretations of this card. The tens often represent a type of transformation and the ten of wands can be like a transformation through fire. You may become fed up with being overburdened and decide to make a change that leads to a more peaceful state of mind.

On this card, we see an empty field with a home, perhaps a town, on the other side and vegetation all around. The man is trying to handle a large pile of sticks by himself. He's putting forth a lot of effort to keep the sticks off the ground. Worst of all, these sticks seem to be slipping from his grip yet he has to keep them all in line. Unfortunately, he still has a long way to go before reaching his home in the distance, and the sticks in front of his face have blinded him to that distance.

The Ten of Wands symbolizes a massive load, as well as the exhaustion that comes with bearing it. This card puts things into perspective by reminding you that the burden you're carrying isn't light. We lose perspective on our own responsibilities from time to time, either believing they are bigger than they are or believing we can manage any enormous load that comes our way (when we can't).

Burning That Midnight Oil

The card also suggests that you've been running on fumes for a long time. Even the simplest chores may become enormous and unpleasant if you don't get enough R&R in your life. This card may be urging you to take action; although the duties ahead of you may not have been your choice, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are well-rested and have time to relax. You'll need to take a break soon, or you'll crack!

In the face of the Ten of Wands, here are some questions to ponder. What are some of the ways you're overburdened? Are you putting too much pressure on yourself? Do you regularly take on more responsibilities than you can manage on your own? What are your options for dealing with this problem? How can you ensure that you unwind and rejuvenate?

What Ten of Wands Means for You Today

The Ten of Wands has appeared today to warn that burn-out may be imminent. If you have been burning the candle at both ends, you may be coming up against your physical limits. If you are overburdened or stressed out, take some time to rest and relax. If you keep pushing too hard, you may end up getting sick or injured as a way for your body to force you to slow down. If your goals and ambitions are causing you to reach this level of stress, you could be placing too much importance on material things or job titles and sacrificing your health in the process.

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