Tip of the day:

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Your Daily Reading:

Four of Wands

Four wands create a wreath canopy, indicating that the foundation for the next stage has been built and that the major work may now begin. You're ready to move on now that you've finished and celebrated the first step of the procedure.

It may seem that you have finished the project when, in reality, you still have a long way to go. Although your celebration is well-deserved, you must now consider how to re-energize yourself, since there is much more work to be done.

The Four of Wands brings security, growth, and achievement, typically in the minor areas of your life. However, don't allow the restricted scope to fool you into underestimating the pleasure that small victories may bring: This is a card representing joy, new beginnings, and happy endings. Its presence should be welcomed if you are starting a new relationship or are in the early stages of one, such as marriage or engagement, and it is particularly beneficial for people who are going to relocate.

A wedding is a wonderful occasion to watch, particularly when it takes place outside. In your mind's eye, you may nearly see a beautiful scene. The bride and groom will stand under an arch, with seats provided for the convenience of those in attendance. Between sobs, the two lovers clasp hands and gaze at one other, barely uttering their "I Dos." Everyone shouts as they kiss and hug. Everyone seems to flourish in this fresh enthusiasm, which is similar to the energy of a party about to start. Everyone is excited to congratulate the newlyweds. In some ways, those who are present during the ceremony are just as pleased as the newlyweds. The Four of Wands is all about happiness, enthusiasm, and celebration.

Four wands/staffs are planted straight up in the earth on this card, with garland and foliage strung between them. They've been intended to be party or celebration décor. We can see a metropolis behind them with towers of various sizes. Two individuals may be seen just below the city, behind the wands/staff. The two are dressed in festive garb: white robes with bright ribbons. They show off their garlands by raising them high in the air and shaking them. We can see more individuals from the party just behind them, most likely leaving to continue the party inside.

Celebrate the Present Because Tomorrow Never Comes

The primary message of the Four of Wands is one of celebration - it foreshadows a party, festival, or other reason for merriment. It gives us and everyone around us delight when we can all come together and acknowledge a happy moment. We don't often allow ourselves to fully appreciate our achievements because we "don't have time," "aren't in the mood," or other ad hoc reasons. Don't let it get in the way of your success! Enjoy the good times while they last. So get the flags out and the streamers ready - it's going to be a celebration!

Finally, but certainly not least, this card represents the pleasure that we may all experience at any time in our lives. We don't even need a significant or life-changing event to be this joyful; we may be this happy all of the time. The Four of Wands may be urging you to take responsibility for your own happiness - if you're not happy right now, take action!

When you see the Four of Wands, consider the following questions. What are you supposed to be celebrating? What might you be thankful for right now? What are the drawbacks of having a party? What about the benefits? What have you or your loved ones done lately that might be seen as a beginning step down a long path? Is it possible for you to rejoice for that person, even if it is yourself?

What Four of Wands Means for You Today

The Four of Wands has appeared today to remind you not to get too caught up in the serious aspects of life. Most people are living for tomorrow. They say things like "Once I have the money, then I can relax and enjoy myself!" or "Once I have the perfect lover, then I will be happy". This mentality ensures that happiness always lies in the future but it never meets us here and now. This card is encouraging you to follow your excitement at any given moment. Celebrate the present moment and watch how life transforms right before your eyes!

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