Tip of the day:

Home Improvement

The kind of craftsman ship shown in the Eight of Pentacles aligns perfectly with someone interested in home improvement. No, I'm not talking about the 90's sitcom with Tim Allen, but using your own skills and ideas (and home depot) to improve the quality of your home.

Many people can't afford to do home improvements by hiring specialists and professionals. Instead many people are taking on their own home improvement projects and ideas. Do you have what it takes to implement your own improvement ideas?

Your Daily Reading:

Eight of Pentacles

You have prepared yourself for fresh possibilities by persisting. This card may imply that you'll have to start again from the beginning, and you'll have to put in a lot of effort to recover your previous position. It's disheartening, but your previous efforts are still valued. Despite the fact that you may have no one to support you, you are working for your own pleasure rather than to appease the whims of others.

The Eight of Pentacles is a very beneficial card if you are doing any hard job that requires creative imagination or workmanship. This is especially true if you're utilising talents you're still learning, since the card symbolises quality. This is just as likely to be a pastime as it is to be your main occupation, or even an apprenticeship. Financial gain is not often represented, unlike the rest of the suit, but a spiritual recompense is. This isn't a promise; rather, it's a hint that if you're cautious and methodical in your approach, you'll have a better chance of succeeding.

You've probably seen the dreaded mound of papers known as "homework" as a kid, adolescent, or even a young adult. For years, the young have been tormented by a mound of reading assignments, formal papers, and writing exercises, and the pile only seems to become bigger with each passing year. At some time, we've all stared this stack of papers into submission. How? Just by doing it. There was no getting around it - the job had to be done one way or another, and it did... after hours and hours of effort. This is the kind of job that the Eight of Pentacles mentions.

On this card, a young man is dressed as a smith, complete with the traditional black apron. He's hard at work, hammering away at a pentacle he just completed. We see the pentacles he has already completed all along a tall pole - each one is a brilliant display of beauty crafted with amazing workmanship. He just has to complete the pentacle in his hands and the one on the ground, and then he'll be finished with his endeavour.

On this card, a young man is dressed as a smith, complete with the traditional black apron. He's hard at work, hammering away at a pentacle he just completed. We see the pentacles he has already completed all along a tall pole - each one is a brilliant display of beauty crafted with amazing workmanship. He just has to complete the pentacle in his hands and the one on the ground, and then he'll be finished with his endeavour.

Mastery Is What Happens When You Don't Give Up On Your Passion

This card also suggests that you are refining a talent that you already have. You, like the young guy above, must begin with the little tasks before moving on to the larger ones. Work on the part-time tasks now, knowing that they'll simply be another successful endeavour to add to your list of accomplishments!

Finally, the Eight of Pentacles advises you to make sure you cross all of your "t"s and dot all of your "i"s. Don't scrimp on this job because it's boring or mindless: make sure it properly represents your abilities, dedication, and willpower. Everyone who can assist you on your road to success will examine your previous work as a predictor of how your future work will seem. You don't want to set a bad example, so put in a little more effort on this assignment.

When you see the Eight of Pentacles, ask yourself these questions. What job in my life seems to be boring, slow-moving, or something I have yet to begin? What are the benefits of leaving things undone? Are you giving your all into this endeavour, or are you cutting corners?

What Eight of Pentacles Means for You Today

The Eight of Pentacles has appeared today to encourage you to work on the things you are most passionate about. While the Three of Pentacles shows your 'nine to five' job, the eight is about craftsmanship. While hard work and discipline are part of this card, we tend to excel most when that hardwork is enjoyable and meaningful to us. If you are unaware of what your passion is, this card shows that it is close at hand. Working for money will only get you so far, find something to work on excites you, something you would do even if it didn't pay money. This is the way to master a craft and become the best at what you do, and then people can't help but pay you for your work.

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