Tip of the day:


The Empress can represent the kind of energy that comes with a luxurious home. Finding the right home can be complicated. Dealing with real estate companies, looking at different homes, and finding the right home decor can feel overwhelming, but the feeling of security that comes with moving into the perfect home is well worth the effort. One way to lighten the load is by taking a virtual tour of your prospective home from the comfort of your own living room..

Try looking at newspaper listings or searching on google for a realtor to find homes for sale. The housing market can vary widely from place to place so try asking the locals in the area for advice if you can.

Your Daily Reading:

The Empress

The Empress is surrounded by symbols of abundance. The Empress is the giver of life and a symbol of creation. She has chosen what she wants to do with the tools she has, and she's moving ahead with a vision of reality and success in the back of her mind. The Empress advises that fresh creations are delicate and. much like newly planted grain, need care and tending. The only way to ensure fulfillment is via love.

She is sitting on a soft throne that looks more like a comfy recliner than a stiff, formal chair. Her plump face is framed by her flowing blonde hair, the extra weight a symbol of affluence and riches. Her crown is adorned with stars, and she wields her scepter with pride to demonstrate her regal authority. She's relaxing in a wheat field, with the stalks sprouting at her feet and a river passing past. The Empress really has it all.

The Empress is the epicenter of feminine strength and energy. She represents what is known as mothering energy - the period in a woman's life when she becomes a mother and derives her strength from it. The quintessential mother is caring, loving, demanding, and leading in a manner that only a woman can. This card is often referred to as the Mother card, and it indicates that this energy will soon be present in your life.

In some cases this card represents a call to action, urging you to step up and take on the role of mother. Examine your own life to see where mothering energy is present or needed. This card also represents development and fertility, as it denotes fresh life and the maturing of the components inside and around you.

Embracing the Feminine

Aside from the feminine energy, the Empress' surroundings also have other significance as well. She flourishes in the midst of her abundance. She has food from the field and water from the river, and she is in charge of everything. She allows herself to enjoy her luxury, but she never overdoes it. She raises her scepter in the air to remind us that her power and direction are the most important aspects of her life - she rules her realm with a firm and even hand.

When you draw the Empress in a reading, consider the following questions. Where do you feel the presence of maternal energy in your life? Is it necessary? Requested? Required? Where are the signs of fresh development and maturation? What actions must you take to achieve the grandeur and power that the Empress embodies? How at ease do you feel with your own feminine energy?

What The Empress Means for You Today

The Empress has appeared today to remind you to go with the path of least resistance. Her feminine energy is able to flow through any situation without needing to use force. When the energy of the empress is present things feel easy and enjoyable, without strain or excessive effort. This card suggests that you try to flow through the day with ease, even if you are facing a stressful situation. She can also signify that you have access to a powerful source of creativity that can only move through you when you are relaxed and present. In some rare cases, this can also be a sign that you or someone you know is pregnant.

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