Tip of the day:

Essential Oils

The Queen of Wands is someone who smells as beautiful as she looks by her skillful use of essential oils. Essential oils don't only smell good, many of them have healing and sometimes even metaphysical properties.

The best essential oils use only natural, organic plant extracts to get the purest products possible. Whether you are interested in aromatherapy, spiritual healing, or just like to smell good, essential oils are the way to go!

Your Daily Reading:

Queen of wands

When the Queen of Wands walks into a room, it is filled with light. She is enthusiastic and passionate about everything she does, and those who are around her appreciate her sense of humor, spirit, and energy. She is an activist, a champion for the poor, and a frequent leader for the causes she cares about. She possesses a high level of charisma and the ability to inspire people to become closer to her. She isn't afraid to go after what she desires.

She adores all of her creations, especially her children. Her love for her children, on the other hand, can cause her to become overly involved in their lives. This is due to her inability to remain out of the limelight.

Exuberance and an outgoing, friendly personality are associated with the Queen of Wands, indicating someone extroverted but self-contained. This card also has the potential to represent feminine warmth. Your strong attachment to your close friends and family may clash with your independent streak. This card also represents someone self-sufficient, and depending on where it appears in your spread, it could also refer to someone close to you who you can trust.

The Queen of Wands is a soothing, comforting card. It could be because of the cat at the queen's feet, or because of the sunflower, she is holding in her hand. This queen is a fountain of creative beauty, regardless of the reason. Her white cloak and yellow robes are simple but elegant. Her left hand is holding a sunflower, and her right hand is holding a wand or staff. Her throne is a stunning display of colors, with red and yellow winding through the lions' faces. Her eyes are friendly, but she appears to be thinking about her next project or task.

The Queen of Wands is just as friendly and sociable as any of the other wands court cards, but her energy is more feminine and comforting. Whereas the Knight was often self-centered and arrogant, the Queen is sincere and generous. She had just as much attractive potential as the Knight and men are often drawn to her for no apparent reason. Her self-assurance is understated, but it is obvious – she will tell you what she can and cannot do.

Beauty Is In The Eye of The Beholder

She is not only as excited, enthusiastic, and energetic as the other wands court cards, but she is also sunny and cheerful about it, never imposing her desires on others. She is always open about her feelings, but she does not become enraged if you step on her ideas or enthusiasm – she understands that not everyone can share her enthusiasm for everything. This is a lovely combination of the wand's creative power and a feminine wisdom style.

This card is urging you to be more open and honest. The Queen may be advising you to pursue her excitement and enthusiasm over everyday, "mundane" activities to find her kind of happiness. If you put the right spin on it, anything can become an adventure!

When you get the Queen of Wands, ask yourself these questions. Is there someone in your life who this card represents? Who do you think that person is? Is there a lesson they could teach you, or something else you can learn from them? Which traits can you learn from the Queen? Do you require energy, understanding, or confidence? How can you achieve these things?

What Queen of wands Means for You Today

The Queen of Wands has appeared today to encourage you to see your unique beauty. Whether or not you fit the modern standard of what is considered beautiful doesn't matter as long you feel confident in your appearance. The Queen of Wands knows how to be charming and look good no matter what she looks like on the outside. When you see yourself as beautiful, so will everyone else. Don't get caught up in comparing yourself to others today, instead, try to remember that your energy is what makes you attractive to the people who are meant to be in your life. Feeling like you look good gives you a type of confidence and charm that makes you irresistible to others.

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