Tip of the day:


The Six of Pentacles is the perfect card to symbolize the desire to help or donate. Whether you are donating money, food, or to a blood bank, the desire to give to others will repay you tenfold. Making donations is a great way to support a worthy cause and feel good in the process.

You can make online donations to the Red Cross or the foundation of your choice within minutes. You can use your PayPal or credit card to make fast and easy donations to a charity or a person in need. It's easy and there are plenty of people who need your help, so donate now.

Your Daily Reading:

Six of Pentacles

A wealthy man holding scales gives money to impoverished folks in this card. Because of his success, he is able to share his money with others, and both parties gain from this connection.

The most significant question posed by this card is where you stand on the line. Do you need to be more charitable or do you need immediate assistance? If you answered yes to the first question, it may be time to make a gift, volunteer for a worthy cause, or assist a friend. Perhaps it's time to express gratitude for a present you've received, or to request the financial assistance you need.

Generosity is linked to success in life. This may indicate that your wealth will come through your investments in others, such as making a financial investment or providing advice and assistance to a friend. This card may also indicate the opposite, that your success will be due to the generosity of others. If that's the case, gratitude is essential. Of course, the two are not mutually exclusive, and getting this card indicates that you have a natural affinity for charitable actions.

Have you ever heard the phrase "It's better to give than to get" during the holidays? The Six of Pentacles card expands on that theme, asking who is getting richer when you receive a charitable gift. On the surface, it may seem that you are losing out when you offer a gift. However, ask anybody who gives a present, and they'll tell you that they receive more by giving than they would if they were the one receiving the gift, or if they had kept the item for themselves!

Two beggars kneel on the ground in front of us, their cloaks ragged, ripped, and patched in parts. The beggars had weathered and haggard features, skinny hands, and tussled hair. A man of luxury stands between these two impoverished men begging: his expensive crimson clothes and elegant hat indicate that he is a wealthy man. The man is putting money into one of the beggars' slender palms with one hand while holding a weighted scale with the other (akin to the one that Justice herself holds).

The Universe Loves a Generous Person

The Six of Pentacles is a card about inquiries; rather than providing an answer in the form of an image, it encourages you to examine yourself and reply as honestly as possible. Only by answering with profound truth will you be able to access the deep knowledge that this card has to offer.

Who has more authority, the man who gives or the one who receives, according to this card? This is a difficult one since the man who is handing out the money seems to be the one in charge. He has the authority to make and retain the money as he sees fit, as well as to give it away as he sees appropriate. He even holds the Justice Scales, implying that he is acting fairly and prudently. What about the beggars, though? Isn't it true that they can collect money in their own way? They also have the option of asking for money whenever they choose. They got what they needed in the end, despite having to use unorthodox methods to obtain it. This card is advising you to double-check your own life: who has the actual power?

Finally, the card poses the following question: are you the man who gives or the one who receives? What do you end up doing more of in your life? What are some things you'd want to do more of? How can you change your life to pursue the route you desire?

What Six of Pentacles Means for You Today

The Six of Pentacles has appeared today to encourage you to either give or receive. The meaning of this card depends upon your current situation or what question you may be asking when you pull your daily card. If you are currently in a good position to help others, do not deny someone help if they ask for it (as long as their request is within reason). If you need support, you may attract just the right person at just the right time to give you what you need. If you need help, be direct and ask for it, do not try to make the person feel sorry for you so they help you out of pity, as this will create resentments.

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