Tip of the day:

Data Recovery

The Four of Pentacles is all about keeping what you have and data recovery software can help you keep your data. Sometimes things get deleted from your hard drive on accident and when that happens you need someone to help recover those files.

There is a range of recovery software programs available and some of them are free, but sometimes you need the help of an experienced data recovery specialist. Contact your nearest data recovery service to restore lost information to your devices.

Your Daily Reading:

Four of Pentacles

A man is seen clutching his four pentacles in this picture. He is just trying to maintain the status quo by refusing to share the benefits of his labours. He is clinging to what he has, which can ultimately lead to life forcing him to let go.

Although this card is often referred to as the miser card, this is an exaggeration. There are instances when it is beneficial – and even essential – to hang on to what you have. This card indicates that now is not the time to alter course or take on something new. You should just keep doing what you're doing now. It's a good idea to keep your work private. However, in terms of your status, money, and health, you are in an excellent situation overall.

You are on a road to financial and material stability, maybe via a gift or inheritance, or perhaps through your own commercial skill, but it needs caution and moderation. This will most likely be a happy phase in your life, with all of your emotional and spiritual requirements met. Beware of greed, since it will lead you astray.

On the horizon in this card, we see a large metropolis - towers and homes with red roofs dot the terrain, providing a lovely backdrop. A man in a crown stands in the foreground, clutching a pentacle coin to his breast. A pentacle sits atop his crown, and the man is standing on two additional coins. He seems to be fastening them in place, right down to the pentacle on his crown.

The Four of Pentacles may also indicate that you or someone you know is urgently clinging to something. This may be a tangible item, another person, a home, or a concept... anything goes, but it's more likely to be something physical. Most clinging relationships, unfortunately, are formed out of a desperate need for comfort and consolation. Address your issue and inquire as to why the clutching is occurring.

This card may also indicate a desire for control. When things become chaotic, we sometimes feel compelled to seek some kind of control. Maybe it's because we don't feel like we have any other influence over what happens to us in our life. This desire for control may come from other concerns, we attempt to control at least one aspect of our life in order to feel we are taking responsibility of our own destiny.

The Bird of Paradise Comes Only to an Open Hand

Finally, the Four of Pentacles may indicate a stop in progress. The man in the card isn't going anywhere; he's settled into a comfortable seat, his feet firmly planted on top of his pentacles. He is content where he is and doesn't want things to change.All of this comes down to the man's fear of progressing - fearful of losing what he has in the hopes of obtaining more. While he makes a fair argument, there is one that is much more so: there is no sense in existing if you are not moving ahead. We are not here to be comfortable; we are here to live... and we can't do that unless we take chances.

When you encounter this card in your readings, here are some questions to ask yourself. Is there anything you're holding to? Why? What would happen if you relinquished control? Do you find it difficult to go forward? Do you feel compelled to keep control of your situation? What do you fear will happen if you lose your grip? Can you securely address these worries and let go of the things you've been scared to let go of?

What Four of Pentacles Means for You Today

The Four of Pentacles has shown up today to encourage you to stick to what you know. There is no need to nervously cling to anything, but sometimes you are already on the right track and perhaps now just isn't the time for making big changes. The stability of the 4 of Pentacles only turns to stagnation due to unneccesary clinging and resistance to change, so don't be afraid to sit still or accept that further progress is not currently possible.

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