Tip of the day:

Contact Lenses

See as clearly as the Queen of Swords with contact lenses. Contacts are a great way to get rid of those cumbersome glasses and see with more clarity. Prescription contact lenses are affordable and easy to use. Try contact lenses and never deal with glasses slipping off your face at the gym again.

Once you get a prescription from your eye doctor, you can order your contact lenses online at a discount, or buy them directly from your optometrist. If you order online, some of the most popular choices are Acuvue, Air Optix, and Oasys.

Your Daily Reading:

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords denotes a wise lady with excellent communication abilities. She's the sort of lady you go to when you need knowledge, and you can trust her to get it for you if she doesn't know. She can discuss science with researchers, history, and literature with authors, and she can get along with anybody. She is a wealth of information and enjoys sharing it.

Her work will almost certainly need a lot of communication. She might be a scientist, a doctor, or a lawyer. She is both amusing and awe-inspiring while being a bit odd at times.

The Queen of Swords symbolizes a sharp-witted, professional, and detached older woman who is highly observant. You'll most likely find her to be a mentor and advisor, as well as a teacher. This individual, who is not necessarily female but is likely to be, should be trusted and may show an interest in you, although it is unlikely to be romantic. Respect her intellect and you will be rewarded with unparalleled advice.

The Queen of Swords is a straightforward card, but it's the little nuances that make it stand out and have meaning. The queen sits on a stone throne with beautiful carvings all around it (most notably butterflies and a cherub). The throne is perched on a hill with a panoramic view of the sky.

The queen sits with royal austerity, her clothes exquisite, and she wears a cloud-covered robe and a butterfly-covered crown. In one hand, the queen wields a sword. The queen's other hand is extended out in front of her as if expecting someone to come and evaluate her - her eyes are harsh, severe, and merciless.

It Takes Courage To See The Truth

This is a queen with a lot of experience - she's been close to witnessing everything, so don't be shocked if you approach her throne and she already knows what you're going to say. She's become more direct as a result of this experience; she wants to go right to the point and make decisions based on all the facts. She isn't going to pull any punches. The queen mixes feminine strength with the mental strength to create a dangerously astute lady who must not be crossed.

The Queen of Swords may be requesting that you take things into your own hands and deal with them severely. Has your partner been unfaithful? Get rid of your spouse. Is there dishonesty at work? It's time to call it as you see it. Are friends gossiping about one another behind each other's backs? Bring everything to the surface. The queen is, if nothing else, brutally honest, and she expects us to be the same way. You have nothing to fear if you are in the right, but if you are in the wrong, you may want to flee.

When you encounter the Queen of Swords in your readings, here are some questions to ask yourself. Is the Queen a person or a symbol? If so, who is it? What message or lesson do you take away from them? What hard decisions must be made? Is it time for you to give someone a good thrashing? What terrible truths must be revealed?

What Queen of Swords Means for You Today

The Queen of Swords has appeared today to urge you to see your current situation through the lens of logic rather than emotion. While it is often best to follow your intuition, if you are too close to a situation or emotionally invested, it can be difficult to see things clearly. Sometimes this means accepting a harsh truth and other times this card indicates that you already have the info you need. The queen isn't afraid to use the sword in her hand to cut away the things that no longer serve her highest good. Trust your intellect today and don't be afraid to cut out certain people or other aspects of your life that are no longer serving you.

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