Tip of the day:

Appliance Repair

The Nine of Wands shows the kind of stress that comes from trying to fix your appliances yourself instead of using an appliance repair service. Appliances are getting more and more complicated and fixing them yourself is becoming less and less practical.

Repair experts are much more likely to get the job done right the first time. Some people take on appliance repair projects themselves out of a sense of pride, but it is perfectly reasonable to hire a specialist to repair your more advanced appliances.

Your Daily Reading:

Nine of Wands

While gazing at the other eight wands, a wounded man leans on one of them. There is no space for failure, according to this card. After all, you've done to get here, you can't give up or go back. You must persevere and delve deeper within yourself to discover some new kind of energy.

This may be your last project, enabling you to finish what you've started. Whatever you have poured your heart and soul into will come to fruition. This is the final obstacle before success.

The Nine of Wands is a bittersweet find in your deck, as it foreshadows both upcoming challenges and the perseverance required to see them through. Your life is generally pleasant right now, but there are indications of danger in some of your less important personal or professional relationships. Your inner strength and resilience will be tested to keep you in the present position, and then to help you go ahead once advancement is feasible.

When you get the Nine of Wands, what questions should you ask yourself? Here are a few examples. Do you find yourself becoming protective over anything in your life? Do you feel as though you've been assaulted on a personal level? Are you starting to feel paranoid? What can you do to restore your equilibrium? Do you need to be determined to overcome your present or future challenges? What's the best way to go about it?

The Nine of Wands card makes an intriguing appearance. We observe a row of wands/staffs arranged in a row on the ground, pointing up to the sky. A damaged young man stands in front of them, holding a wand/staff. The man seems exhausted, beaten, and bruised as if he's gone through a long battle. He returns his gaze to the wands/staffs, seemingly anxious that someone may come up behind him and attempt to take one at any minute.

This card is about safeguarding - safeguarding your possessions, your loved ones, and, most importantly, yourself. Because your wands represent your creative force, it's no surprise that the card typically represents a series of personal challenges. Have you acquired a wary, suspicious attitude? Have you started to feel a little paranoid? Examine your options for resolving these problems.

The Final Push To Victory

The Nine of Wands also represents perseverance - after all, the man seems to have been protecting his wands for quite some time and is a little worse for wear as a result. Despite his wounds and fatigue, he continues to stand, facing those who would steal what is rightfully his. That takes a lot of willpower. This card may be advising you to summon your inner fortitude to withstand whatever storms may arise.

When you get the Nine of Wands, what questions should you ask yourself? Here are a few examples. Do you find yourself becoming protective over anything in your life? Do you feel as though you've been assaulted on a personal level? Are you starting to feel paranoid? What can you do to restore your equilibrium? Do you need to be determined to overcome your present or future challenges? What's the best way to go about it?

What Nine of Wands Means for You Today

The Nine of Wands has appeared today to show you that you are about to face a final challenge before reaching your goal. This could apply to almost any aspect of your life. This could be an emotional challenge or a test of physical endurance. In either case, you are so close to the finish line that giving up is not an option. This could also be a sign that you are allowing past experiences of hardship to make you feel overly cautious. Take each moment as it comes, without any attachment to a particular outcome and you will succeed.

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