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Weekly Moon Sign Horoscope

LUNAR ARIES - This week, Lunar Aries, astrological energies enter your house in ways which enhance your connection to the spirit world and other esoteric realms.

LUNAR TAURUS - This week, Lunar Taurus, a looming critical decision that has been weighing on you comes to a head. You must listen to your instincts this time.

LUNAR GEMINI - Obstacles and bumps in the road will seem much bigger and more important than they really are for you this week, Lunar Gemini.

LUNAR CANCER - This week, Lunar Cancer, you must focus on the big picture. Do not obsess over small details, but focus on the larger things of importance.

LUNAR LEO - There’s an important decision to make this week, Lunar Leo, and you do not have time to waste on those who do not know enough about this issue or who can’t influence it.

LUNAR VIRGO - You may be feeling over emotional and a little vulnerable this week, Lunar Virgo. Your emotions are running high and you can’t quite put your finger on why.

LUNAR LIBRA - This week, Lunar Libra, there will be some stress and tension in your house brought about by communication issues. It is critical you address these now.

LUNAR SCORPIO - Good energy is moving into your professional life this week, Lunar Scorpio, where a little help is always welcome! Your work and career house gets a boost, indicating smooth sailing ahead.

LUNAR SAGITTARIUS - A wandering mind could lead you to do something impulsive this week, Lunar Sagittarius, which may not go quite as you imagine.

LUNAR CAPRICORN - This week, Lunar Capricorn, energies of clarity, wisdom, and perceptibility enter your house leading to a pivotal discovery. Something is going to come to light or be revealed to you.

LUNAR AQUARIUS - This week, you are feeling extra sociable and charismatic, Lunar Aquarius. A Last Quarter Moon rises in your sign this week.

LUNAR PISCES - There is nothing like being the object of affection and attention of a Lunar Pisces. Lately, you have been sharing some of this signature warmth with someone very close to you.

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