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Weekly Moon Sign Horoscope

LUNAR ARIES - This week, Lunar Aries, it is critical that you reach out to those close to you that you have not had contact with for a while. You need these social connections and interactions.

LUNAR TAURUS - This week is all about learning, exploration, and magic, Lunar Taurus. You are feeling intellectually curious and have a thirst for knowledge.

LUNAR GEMINI - Astrological energies are strong in your love life and relationships this week, Lunar Gemini, so make the most of it as energy has been lacking in this area lately.

LUNAR CANCER - You will have a lot of challenging little obstacles in your way this week, Lunar Cancer, or perhaps one big one! This is going to be very frustrating but you can overcome it.

LUNAR LEO - You have great energy for communication this week, Lunar Leo, which means you will now be able to say the things to others that you have been wanting to say for a while.

LUNAR VIRGO - This week, Lunar Virgo, someone has been missing you, or maybe a collection of people you have not seen for a while, and it's time to make a reconnection.

LUNAR LIBRA - Sometimes, the only way to move forward this week is by glancing over your shoulder at the past -- and this week is a prime example of that, Lunar Libra.

LUNAR SCORPIO - Lunar Scorpios often have a deep emotional desire to understand that which exists below the surface, in relationships, friends, and general life.

LUNAR SAGITTARIUS - You may have been feeling a bit unsure of yourself as of late, Lunar Sagittarius, and find yourself comparing yourself to others.

LUNAR CAPRICORN - This week, Lunar Capricorn, something you want to do will involve you taking a calculated chance. If you feel like the universe is urging you forward, you are right.

LUNAR AQUARIUS - This week, Lunar Aquarius, a lesson is illuminated in the stars for you: you must remember to deal with issues and conflicts as they arise, do not be tempted to put things off till another time.

LUNAR PISCES - It's a positive week for you, Lunar Pisces, as a missing piece of the puzzle falls into place all by itself giving you clarity and outlining a path forward.

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